Nebuchadnezzar was born around 630 BC and died around 562 BC at age 68.
His father died in 605. Nebuchadnezzar was crowned king on September 7.
Oldest son of Nabopolassar, founder of Chaldean Empire.
In about 607 BC Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt. On his journey home he found his father had died.
By 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar had conquered Jerusalem, and destroyed the first temple.
In 586 they captured Zedekiah who ruled Jerusalem, and who attacked Babylon previously.
Many of these people became servants of the Babylonians.
"Babylonian Exile" was when he took people away when conquering Jerusalem
He made about 10,000 Jews relocate, this is considered the beginning of the Jewish Exile.
Supposedly when he finished conquering a lot of southwest Asia, he subdued in Egypt in about 568.
Died in October of 562 BC
Remembered as the Greatest of Babylonian kings.