About the Authors
W. Stuart Rogers, a fine young man, was born in Bryn Mawr hospital
on the bright morning of May 1, 1988. Aspiring to be a great general,
the young squire attended the Upper Merion school district. Tired of
the antics of his fellow classmates, W. not only switched schools and began
attending The Haverford School, but moved all together to Haverford. He
is currently learning rocket science and riding horses horses in his spare
time while still curing young children from thrid world countries of cancer.
Andrew P. Pickens, the king himself, began his favorable life in Abington
Memorial Hospital on July 14, 1988. With a great education out of the
Upper Merion school district, he began writing short novels in his spare
time. It is believed that Stephen Hawking's A Breif History of
Time, was stolen from Andrew's fourth grade science paper. Upset
by this monstrocity, Andrew moved schools to meet his friend W. at the Haverford
School. There he found his true love of meditating and exploring the
universe through imagination.