Alexander the Great
"Important Events"

- In 336, Alexander the Great became the leader of the Macedonians. Became the king when his father, Phillip II, died. Not only was he the leader of the Macedonians, but he was also elected to have a position in the government in Greece. In 335 BCE, Alexander the Great became the leader of the Corinthian League. When he became the leader of this, he invaded many places such as Thebes and the Thracians. He also invaded Jerusalem with this group of people.
- In 332 BCE, Alexander the great invaded and took control of four very important areas of land. They were Tyre, Judea, Jerusalem, and Egypt. Many of these areas were quickly gaining power, so he was able to stop these groups of people by actually taking him over.
- In 331, Alexander the Great founded a city west of the Nile river delta. The city’s name was