

W.E.B. Du Bois, in his search for a solution to the American racial dilemma, voiced educational philosophies that provided an interesting opposite to those preached by his intellectual counterpart, Booker T. Washington. Du Bois' educational background was very different from Washington's. Du Bois, born in Massachusetts experienced very little racial prejudice in his early years, and it was not until attending Fisk, a University in the South, that he became aware of race realities in America. From that point on, the cause of black people was his cause. Upon graduation from Fisk, he became the first African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard,



WEb DuBois (far right) was the chairman of the American Delegation at the World Congress of the Partisians of Peace, Paris 1949


The Crisis is the official monthly publication of the NAACP. It began in 1910 with William Edward Burghardt DuBois as editor, and became a leading periodical for African Americans. It was known for its radical position against lynching and racial prejudice and reflected the ideology of Dr. DuBois.
